FAQ - Clients centre d'aide

How are the key(s) handed over?

Make sure to arrive at the object booked at the time of arrival indicated beforehand with your booking.
On the first page of the voucher you find the final object address and the contact details of the landlord. After arriving at the object booked please press the bell on which the landlord’s last name is noted. The landlord/landlady will open the door and welcome you in a friendly way inside the accommodation. It is up to the landlords/landladies to take a deposit for the keys of 50 – 100 € from the guests. They may even require to fill out a liability agreement. On your departure day the landlord/landlady will return the deposit for the keys to you. Some landlords/landladies prefer uncomplicated and quick check-in procedures by neither taking a deposit for the keys nor asking you to fill out a liability agreement. On your departure day the landlord/landlady will of course return the deposit for the keys to you.

How do I contact the landlord?

Normally, the voucher for your booking with the final object address and the contact details of the landlord/landlady will be sent a few days after booking per e-mail to the e-mail address mentioned with your booking. At the latest it will be sent 24 hours before your arrival. On the first page of the voucher you find not only the final object address but also all necessary information regarding the landlord/landlady which is helpful to contact him/her.

Am I supposed to pay a deposit for the key(s)?

It is up to the landlords/landladies to take a deposit for the keys of 50 – 100 € from the guests. They may even require to fill out a liability agreement. On your departure day the landlord/landlady will of course return the deposit for the keys to you.

When can a landlord/landlady ask me for money after my check in?

There are only two cases in which a landlord/landlady can require money from you on the day of arrival:

a)    Your booking is without breakfast and you decide to add breakfast to your booking after having arrived. Then you can pay the amount for the breakfast directly to the landlord/landlady in cash or
b)    You arrive with more persons than previously indicated in your booking. In this case as well the landlord/landlady is allowed to ask you to pay for the additional person(s) in cash after your arrival.