Renting and Processing
- You make an appointment with us and come to our office in order to settle the formalities properly and set up a renting contract with us. On demand, we send you the documents by mail in advance.
- You tell us a date that suits you for the photo/video shooting of your object. You find the necessary information and instructions for preparing such a shooting in our office or here. After the appointment our expert will process the photo/video data. As soon as this procedure is finished your object will be listed in our system and can be booked at any time.

Renting out your object is a free service of our company
The contract for longterm rentals is only valid between the landlord and the tenant/guest. If you like you can also create a suitable contract and provide it to us. If not, we will create a suitable contract for all parties concerned. Please bring along all the documents that would be connected to the new rental contract.
Rental contract during exhibitions / Short-term rental up to 21 nights
This contract especially aimes at rentals during exhibitions and short-term rentals. It is only valid in a specific version created by CONZEPTplus OHG. Further information about the basic conditions are available in our office.
Concerning both contract versions it is always the guest that pays all costs or the tenant respectively. Landlords do not have to pay anything with reference to our services.