FAQ - Guests help center

Check in

How does the check in work?

Please make sure to arrive at the object booked at the time of arrival indicated beforehand with your booking.
On the first page of the voucher you find the final object address and the contact details of the landlord. After arriving at the object booked please press the bell on which the landlord’s last name is noted. The landlord/landlady will open the door and welcome you in a friendly way inside the accommodation.
It is up to the landlords/landladies to take a deposit for the keys (50 – 100 €) from the guests. They may even require to fill out a liability agreement. On your departure day the landlord/landlady will return the deposit for the keys to you. Some landlords/landladies prefer uncomplicated and quick check-in procedures by neither taking a deposit for the keys nor asking you to fill out a liability agreement.

What is the regular check in and check out time?

Regular check in time is between 12.00 – 22.00 h each day.
The latest check out time on the day of departure is in the morning at 11.00 h.

Is a late check in possible? Is a late check out possible?

Please inform us a long time before your arrival if you would like to do a late check in.
That is the only way that enables us to inform the landlord/landlady in advance.

Late check outs are only feasible if the landlord/landlady agrees upon and as long as there are no further booking for the object booked on your day of departure.

What am I supposed to do if I cannot reach the landlord/landlady before my check in?

In case you do not reach the landlord/landlady before your check in nevertheless go directly to the object address indicated in the voucher(s) and press the landlord/landlady’s bell. If no one opens the door please contact us immediately by phone on +49-511-71259590 so that we can instantly intervene and decide about what to do next.

What if I cannot communicate with the landlord/landlady because we do speak different languages?

For any communication problems that may occur between you and the landlord/landlady when checking in because you speak a different language than the landlord/landlady we will help you as an interpreter. In those cases please call us straight on +49-511-71259590.